• Han Tong-il Performs at Embassy Youth Concert
    George F. Mobley
    arts & culture
    State Floor
    East Room
    East Wing staff
    This photograph shows the pianist Han Tong-il as he performs for First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy and over 200 guests in the East Room. He went on to become a celebrated musician and perform with many of the finest orchestras across the world. This concert was the fifth installment of Mrs. Kennedy's Musical Programs for Youth by Youth. She invited the children of diplomats, Cabinet members, and State Department officials living in Washington, D.C. The concert featured performances by Han Tong-il and the Paul Winter Jazz Sextet. In this photograph, social secretary Letitia Baldridge can be seen listening to the performance.
  • Eleanor Roosevelt with Her Aides at the White House
    Jackie Martin
    East Wing staff
    This black and white photograph, taken by photographer Jackie Martin, shows First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt meeting with her aides Malvina “Tommy” Thompson, center, and Edith Helm, right.
  • Jackie Kennedy, Letitia Baldrige, and the US Marine Band
    U.S. Marine Band
    West Wing
    Navy Mess
    East Wing staff
    This photograph shows First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy, social secretary Letitia (Tish) Baldrige, and another woman posing in front of members of the Marine Band during Baldrige's farewell party. The band members are raising a toast. The farewell party was held in the Navy Mess on the ground floor of the West Wing.
  • Betty Ford and Maria Downs Preparing for the Sadat State Dinner
    State Dining Room
    State Floor
    State Visit
    East Wing staff
    This photograph shows First Lady Betty Ford with social secretary Maria Downs in the State Dining room overseeing the preparations for the State Dinner held in honor of Egyptian president Anwar Sadat.
  • Betty Ford, President Ford, and Maria Downs Dressed for Dinner
    Karl Schumacher
    Blue Room
    State Floor
    East Wing staff
    This black and white photograph by Karl Schumacher shows First Lady Betty Ford, President Gerald R. Ford, and social secretary Maria Downs posing in formal wear in the Blue Room. It was taken during the White House Dinner for Members of the Federal Judiciary.